Tick bite

Flora used to treat the malady: TICK BITE

  • Common Plantain Plantago major
    • Habitat: EDF and TGP
    • Active Chemical Ingredient: Apigenin
    • Uses: stop bleeding and soothe infections and cuts
    • Preparation; poultice
    • Chemical Structure: 
Plantain Uses, Benefits & Side Effects - Drugs.com Herbal Database. (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2015

  • Ambrosia artemisiifolia 
  • Tall Grass Prairie-sandy woods, meadows, waste places, roadsides, railroads, overgrazed rangeland, and other disturbed areas
  • Active chemical ingredient: bisabolol
  • Uses: anti-viral/anti-bacterial, cure diarrhea, fever, gas, colds, stomachache, pains, loss of appetite, topical remedy
  • Preparation: either create a poultice to relieve swelling and infection and/or crush the leaves and apply the juice to soothe  

Ragweed sources: https://gobotany.newenglandwild.org/genus/ambrosia/

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