Food Poisoning

Flora used in treating the malady: FOOD POISONING

Partridge Pea (Chamaecrista fascicultada)
  • Both habitats 
  • Anti-Malarial and Anti-biotic
    • tea from the leaves or roots 
  • Burns (fire) 
    • poultice: Bruised, moistened leaves are applied topically to the injury
  • Open wounds/ cuts: 
    • Follow the same poultice instructions
  • (source)
  • Chemical compound: Genistein 

Purple Cone Flower (Echinacea purpuria)

  • Found in both habitats 
  • Pain relief
  • Topical wound healing
  • Stimulate the immune system 
  • Lowering of inflammation
  • Disinfecting wounds and scrapes
  • Preparation: boil roots in water to form a decoction or tincture, or consume raw petals
  • (source)
  • Chemical compound: Humulene

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