Broken bone

Flora used in the treatment of the malady: BROKEN BONE

  • Golden Tickseed Coreopsis tinctoria

    • Habitat: EDF and TGP
    • Active Chemical Ingredient: Protocatechuic acid 
    • Uses: helps aid internal pains and bleeding
    • Preparation: boil plant to make drink
    • Chemical Structure: 

Coreopsis tinctoria. (2015, June 25). Retrieved Sept


  • Echinacea angustifolia
  • Tall Grass Prairie and Eastern Deciduous Forest (Late Summer/Early Fall)- moist to dry prairies and open wooded areas
  • Active chemical ingrediens: humulene

  • Uses: topical wound healing, stimulate the immune system, lowering of inflammation, disinfecting wounds and scrapes
  • Preparations: boil roots in water to form a decoction or tincture, or consume raw petals

Echinacea sources: 10, 2015.

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