Deep puncture wound

Flora used in treating the malady: DEEP PUNCTURE WOUND

  • Lead-plant Amorpha canescens
    • Habitat: Tall Grass Prairie
    • Active Chemical Ingredient: Germacrene D
    • Uses: treats open wounds and cuts, pinworms, and eczema
    • Preparation: dried leaves are blown into open wounds
    • Chemical Structure: 

      Germacrene D

      A, L. (2014). Chemical composition of the essential oil of Amorpha canescens Pursh. Retrieved September 9, 2015
  • Canadian Milkvetch Astragalus canadensis
    • Habitat: Tall Grass Prairie and Eastern Deciduous Forrest
    • Active Chemical Ingredient: Cycloastragenol
    • Uses:  treats chest and back pains, and aids in bleeding
    • Preparation: the root can be chewed or made into a tea; poultice made from the chewed                             root
    • Chemical Structure: 
Astragalus canadensis Canadian Milkvetch, Shorttooth Canadian milkvetch, Morton's Canadian milkvetch PFAF Plant Database. (n.d.). Retrieved September 9, 2015

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