Delta Cancri

Delta Cancri
(Constellation Cancer)

I chose this star because it is in my birth constellation. I was born in July so my astrology sign is, appropriately, Cancer. 

Delta Cancri is an orange giant star approximately 180 light-years away in the constellation Cancer. It has the traditional name Asellus Australis which in Latin means "southern donkey colt". It also has the longest of all known star names, Arkushanangarushashutu, derived from ancient Babylonian which means "the southeast star in the Crab".
(Delta Cancri. (2015, April 7). Retrieved October 1, 2015.)

Star: Delta Cancri

Chemical Components: carbon (in the form of diamond and graphite), iron, silicon carbide, potentially silicates
(Delta Cancri. (2015, April 7). Retrieved October 1, 2015.)

Ascension-- 8 hrs 44 mins 41.1 sec
Declination-- +18 degrees 09' 15"

Spectrum Analysis for most abundant chemical (Carbon):
(Visible Spectra of the Elements. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1, 2015.)

Stellar Classification:

Orange Giant Star
((n.d.). Retrieved October 1, 2015.)

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