
Flora used in treating the malady: DIARREHA

Daisy Fleabane (Erigeron annuus)

  • Tall Grass Prairie and Eastern Deciduous Forest
  • Diaphoretic (urination and sweat)
    • Make a tea from the leaves 
  • Astringent (reduce bleeding and can be used on small wounds)
    • Make a tea from the leaves 
  • helps digestive ailments 
    • make a tea from the leaves 
  • (Source) (source)
  • Chemical component:Benzene

Queen Anne's Lace
 Daucus carota

    • Habitat: Eastern Deciduous Forest and Tall Grass Prairie
    • Active Chemical Ingredient: Ascorbic acid
    • Uses: treats burns, scalds, skin lesions and relieves pain
    • Preparation: salve or oil
    • Chemical Structure: 

QUEEN ANNE'S LACE TEA-Bulk DRIED HERB. (n.d.). Retrieved September

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