Sprained Ankle/Wrist

Flora used in treating the malady: SPRAINED ANKLE/WRIST

Blue Vervain (Verbena hastata)

  • Found in both habitats
  • Burns
    • apply it directly to the skin
  • Respiratory issues/ coughs:
    • tea from the dried leaves, roots and flower
  • Soothes aches and pains: 
    • Tea also
  • Chemical compound: Verbenalin

Gray Dogwood (Cornus racemosa)

  • Found in both habitats
  • Ulcers and sores
    • make poultice from pulverized bark
  • Sticks/branches from it make a good brace for a broken or sprained bone/ extremity
    • brace sticks in either side of the leg, then tear off strips of clothing to tie the branches into place
  • (source)
  • Chemical compound: Eugenol


Juniper Berry (Juniperus communis)

  • Found in both Tall Grass Prairie and Eastern Deciduous Forest
  • Poison: make a tea from the berries
    • tea: boil one cup of water and add one tablespoon of berries
  • Constipation: Berry Tincture
    • tincture: fill jar with berries, fill remaining space with a 1:1 ratio of alcohol and water
  • Rashes/ Dermatitis:
    •   To make a remarkably effective natural itch salve, melt two tablespoons of of beeswax in a saucepan, add about 1/3 cup unsalted butter, 1/3 cup ground juniper berries, and a tablespoon of ground cloves and stir. Allow the salve to cool before applying to itchy skin, as needed.  (source)
  • Anti-inflammatory/Anti-infection: any ingested form of the berry 
    • could be useful in the healing of sprained body parts
  • Sore Throat: juniper berry tea
    • refer to the above recipe for tea making 
  • Food Poisoning:
    • Antiseptic: any ingested form of the berry (tea is recommended) can help clear waste from the systems
  • (Source)
  • Chemical in Juniper Berries: Terpinene-4-ol

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