Monday, May 9, 2016

Chemistry Puns

I've decided to dedicate this specific post to funny and encouraging pictures to help brighten your day amid the stresses and tortures of AP testing and finals looming over our heads.

Air Bag Lab

This lab was actually really helpful and a great way to review the concepts we've learned from previous units. We were told to formulate our own procedure as our pre-lab quiz. Although it took me a while to figure it out entirely, it was a relief when I actually understood the steps I had to take to pass this lab. We were to make a bag fill up only using baking soda and vinegar to a point where the bag is stretched, but not bursted. Thankfully, I passed and understood the calculations involved to get the answer.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Preparing for the Weekly Quiz

This week preparing for the quiz was easier because of the online practice tests on schoology that were made available to us. Being that half of the test is concepts and the other half is math indicated that we would need to know the material in all facets. It's getting down to crunch time and I'm nervous how my grade is going to come out since I'm also trying to cram things in for a bunch of other classes. So the week to come will definitely be a stressful one.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Charles' and Boyle's Laws

This unit over gas laws seems to be fairly straightforward. I'll definitely need a few days to get back into the swing of things after being focused on another project for so long.  Here are some useful supplements to guide you to a better understanding of these basic gas laws we've been covering in class.

Useful supplement for both laws