Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Preparing for the Unit Test

I find myself studying for another unit test and completing the practice tests in the hopes that I will improve from my quiz score. As usual I find the schoology quizzes posted to be the most helpful and I completed every problem in preparation for the test tomorrow. Again, I am nervous about how this test will be and how I will fair this unit. I heard that this unit is the hardest of the year and from here on out everything will be smooth sailing. I hope this is true, despite the fact that I like a good challenge. Happy studying everyone!


  1. I agree, I am very nervous for how this test will be. This unit has a lot to memorize, which makes it difficult when there is so much information to cover to begin with

  2. There was a lot to remember for this test. I am not sure if I recalled it all correctly. I also hope that the tests after this will be easier.
