Thursday, October 29, 2015

Mole Day 2015

On Friday, October 23, we celebrated "Mole Day" in class. I made a "Cave-mole" and I actually thought it turned out pretty well. Everyone else had clever and very cute ideas about what to make their mole as. We were given a pattern beforehand which made it a lot easier to figure out and I used a sewing machine, unlike other people, which took a lot less time. Seeing all the moles on the back table at the end of the day was amazing because our ideas and interpretations were so different and that was really interesting to me.

Below you can see all the fabulous moles everyone made from most classes:


  1. I enjoyed mole day but im still confused on the concept I understand it has to do with measurement but other than that I dont understand when we use it? Any recomendations on websites that could help explain this?

    1. This BrainPOP vid explains it quite well.

  2. I also really liked the mole project. I thought that it was completely out of the blue, but it was different and required you to use skills that aren't normally in your chemistry repertoire. Similar to you, I used a sewing machine and I think that they all turned out really well.

  3. This project was very different but not unwelcome. It was a nice change of pace from being challenged constantly in class. It was also awesome to see everyone's creativity and different interpretations like you said.

  4. I liked this project, however, I sewed the mole by hand, which took forever and was very uneven. Your idea of a sewing machine would have been extremely more efficient and faster. I also enjoyed all the creativity and uniqueness of each mole. We do a lot of interesting projects that make the class more entertaining and fun than the average chemistry course.

  5. I also enjoyed seeing everyone else's ideas all placed right next to each other. It was cool to think that we were all given the same exact project, yet we all produced such different results. I would have preferred to have sewn my mole by machine because it would of been quicker, but we do not have one at home, so I had to hand stitch it. I have to hand sew quite a lot because I sew shoes for dance, so I am fairly quick at it, but I had to use a different kind of stitch for this project which slowed me down a lot because I am not as used to it. Overall, I enjoyed the project though and am glad we got to do it.

  6. I thought this project was fun because I enjoy to sew. I did it all by hand though which made it tough. Mine was probably the least creative (albino mole) but you know, what can you do? I was planning to do "mole"-eficent, but I could not get the horns right. Anyway, it was nice to get these points in the gradebook, and by the way, I loved your mole! Well done!
