Thursday, November 12, 2015

Formula of a Chloride Lab

Today was a good day. I got into the lab, and it turned out to be a fun experience. But, since Hamming wasn't there, it was a shame I didn't get a chance to work on it with him. Mackenzie and I, though, were able to complete the lab with an extremely small percentage of error. We took the correct measurements and used them with the skills from yesterday's lecture in order to calculate the empirical formula of the zinc chloride compound. Overall, these calculations were much more fun to make since we actually gathered the data for ourselves this time.

Below, you can find some pictures from the lab today:


  1. I was also very excited to actually make it into lab. I found it to be a more enjoyable experience because I got to practice the skills from lecture hands-on and got to collect my own data. Also, I was glad that my partner, Kayla, and I only had a percentage error of 4.55%.

  2. I was also ecstatic to get into lab because this was my first time! I feel I appreciated the lab and lesson more because I got to participate and actually gather my own data. However, my lab partner was also absent, so Isuru and I completed the lab together with only a 4.5% error margin.

  3. Sorry I couldn't be there. I would have loved to do the lab with you.
