Monday, January 18, 2016

Hydrogen Peroxide Lab

Since our teacher was out last Friday and was unable to set up the lab, we were given the data we would've collected during the lab and filled out the calculations based on that data. I was a little bummed that we weren't able to do the lab ourselves, but it was nice to not have to worry about the pre-lab question and to not worry about the red lines on my face from the indent of the goggles. The calculations were fairly easy after doing the practice calculations when I prepared for the lab. Plus, the one where we were told to do conversions, we were given the steps to follow along with which made it a lot easier to understand. The follow-up questions helped me to visualize the lab as well and better understand what we were exactly calculating without actually doing it. I also thought it was beneficial that we completed all of this in class because it gave us a sense of urgency to complete the task, and it gave us a chance to ask questions and reason through each problem instead of putting it off and having to worry about it later when we got home.

This what commercial hydrogen peroxide looks like (what we were testing in lab):


  1. I agree that the problems were pretty easy, and the steps really did help me too when getting through the questions.

  2. I was also slightly relieved that we were fed data. I like getting to experience things hands-on, but it was nice to not have to worry about the prelab quiz or the goggle marks. Nice links by the way!

  3. I completely agree gillian! I was a little upset we didn't get to actually go back into the lab, but some of those follow up questions made it so easy to visualize what it would of been like.

  4. I completely agree gillian! I was a little upset we didn't get to actually go back into the lab, but some of those follow up questions made it so easy to visualize what it would of been like.

  5. I agree with Macy here. being able to leave chem without goggle marks is always a pleasant surprise. :)
