Thursday, December 10, 2015

Copper (II) Chloride and Iron Lab

We're on a streak! Hamming and I passed this pre-lab quiz yet again, so we got to participate in what I would say was a pretty fun lab. We first had to measure out Copper (II) chloride into a weigh boat and pour it into the baby food jar and added water. Then, we weighed the nail and then set it into the solution and left it overnight. This is what it looked like at the end of the hour on that 1st day:

The second day, we made sure to siphon out the excess water and made sure to leave as much of the product in the jar as we could. Then we added 25mL of HCl and siphoned that off after a while as well, again making sure to leave the product. This is what the jar looked like when we got into class on the 2nd day of lab:



  1. I like how you explained what was going on in each picture, what you did to get there, and what day it happened on. This shows that you really understood what was happening in this lab and the concepts presented. Great pictures and I hope you passing streak continues!

  2. I enjoy reading your posts because they explain very well what happened in the lab. I thought it was very interesting how much product was formed on day 2 when we looked at our nails! I don't know about you, but my group and I spent a few minutes siphoning of the fluids, just to make sure we left all the product behind!
